A letter from the directors (fall 2014)

Photo of Monita Thompson and Kelly Maxwell

October 7, 2014



Dear Friends and Colleagues,



Welcome to the Fall 2014 Tri-Annual Newsletter of The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR) at the University of Michigan!

Fall semester is in full swing and IGR is bustling with activity! We are offering nine dialogue course topics this fall to 107 students and we have three research teams. Additionally, our CommonGround team has just trained a large group of student facilitators who are already busily planning for student workshops this semester. 



One very exciting development this fall is that IGR will proudly be starting to offer a minor in Intergroup Relations Education in Winter 2015. We are looking forward to involving more students in dialogue, facilitation, and the practice of social justice education!

This edition of the newsletter contains many articles, including a staff chat with Roger Fisher, a list of IGR’s 2013-2014 papers and presentations, an update from the CommonGround team, and a special tribute to two long-time beloved graduate students. Happy reading!



Warmest wishes,

Kelly Maxwell and Monita Thompson, Co-Directors





To help IGR continue our mission of achieving social justice through education, consider making a gift.