Minor in intergroup relations education

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Photo of students on the diagGet ahead on your undergraduate career with a minor from IGR 

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The 15-credit minor in intergroup relations education will change your life forever. Students learn critical analytical skills, problem-solving in groups, intercultural leadership, and a synthesis of intellectual and practical skills to help them create a more just and equitable world. 

This minor combines with any major at the university to provide students with skills to bravely achieve change together. IGR minors will develop skills to:

  • Raise critical consciousness
  • Interrupt dominant narratives
  • Collaborate across difference

IGR students who pursue the intergroup relations education minor may also earn a certificate in dialogue for community change.


"Now more than ever, it is crucial for students to become competent national and global citizens who are prepared to understand this nation's history and to work across social divisions and conflict toward a more just and peaceful world. Students who earn a minor in intergroup relations education will develop the insight and skills to lead diverse organizations and work effectively across difference."

- Kelly Maxwell, Ph.D., assistant dean for undergraduate education, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts


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Minor in intergroup relations education

NOTE: Curriculum requirements for the minor in intergroup relations education will be changing, effective fall 2024. Below, find both current and upcoming requirements.

Students must take at least 15 credits to fulfill requirements of the minor. Twelve of those credits must be from courses within IGR. 

Current requirements

Choose either of the following classes

Choose ONE of the following tracks


Campus Communities and Research

Request to add an elective

If students are taking or would like to take a course that they believe qualifies as an LSA elective course for the IGR minor, please first reference the elective criteria:

  • The course must address social identities and intergroup relations in some way
  • The course should discuss issues of inequality, power, privilege, and oppression
  • Or the course should focus on leadership and social change
  • The elective must be at least a 200-level course

If you think a course may meet the requirements, email your advisor and include the following information:

  • a brief write up of the course 
  • why you believe it should be an IGR minor elective 
  • a copy of the course syllabus

Requirements effective fall 2024

All new IGR minors must complete: 

Take at least one of the following:

Take at least one of the following:


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Add the certificate in dialogue for community change

Students with a declared minor in intergroup relations education are also eligible to participate in a certificate in dialogue for social change, a joint undergraduate certificate with the Community Action and Social Change (CASC) program. Learn more about this certificate, criteria, and how to express interest.



Take the first step

 Interested in the minor? Let us know, and an advisor will follow up with you.

Declare your interest with IGR  



Learn more about the IGR minor

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Minor FAQs

The 15-credit minor in intergroup relations education will change your life forever, combining with any major to provide students with skills to bravely achieve change together.

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Higher ed MA preferred admittance

Students who complete the minor in intergroup relations education qualify for preferred admittance into the Marsal Family School of Education's Master of Arts in higher education.


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Have any questions? 

Check our frequently asked questions page, and reach out to us any other questions at [email protected].