IGR's Adrienne Dessel Receives Award

We in IGR are very proud of our own Adrienne Dessel. Dr. Dessel received the Alumni Special Recognition Award for written work from her alma mater, Simmons College. Dr. Dessel co-wrote the winning article Intergroup Dialogue Courses on Sexual Orientation: Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Student Experiences and Outcomes with Michael Woodford and Naomi Warren in a 2011 issue of the Journal of Homosexuality.

The award description is as follows:

The Alumni Special Recognition Awards are given for written work relevant to the social work profession. Articles, book chapters, and books that are authored or co-authored by a SSW alumna/us may be submitted for this award

Says Dr. Dessel:

This is an article that I thought was important to write. I wrote the article (with my co-authors) for two reasons. First, I felt it was important to explore and understand the experiences of marginalized groups in intergroup dialogue. Second, the topic of sexual orientation hadn't been examined as much as other identities in the intergroup dialogue literature.