Using and citing our work

Column 1

We welcome the use, sharing, and citation of our publications in educational settings of all kinds. Items self-published directly by IGR are free to use for non-commercial purposes in classrooms, webinars, professional development, and for individual reflection. If you share our resources, include a mandatory attribution in the citation format appropriate for your context.

IGR publications

Copying and adapting

You may copy IGR working papers, IGR Insight handouts, and other IGR self-published handouts both for your own use and for dissemination within your teaching settings. You may also adapt IGR's self-published resources to make them more effective for your context.

Maintain any acknowledgement/attribution information in printed and downloadable documents.

No cost

Our IGR self-published resources are free for you to use. We're committed to advancing the field of intergroup dialogue and intergroup relations education, and want our resources to be as easily accessible as possible.

Citing our work

  • APA 7 Citation:
    University of Michigan. The Program on Intergroup Relations. Retrieved Month Date, Year, from
  • MLA 8 Citation:
    The Program on Intergroup Relations. University of Michigan, Date of Access.
  • APA 7 Citation:
    Title of page. (Year, Month Date). Site name. Retrieved Month Date, Year, from URL
  • MLA 8 Citation:
    “Title of Page.” Site Name, URL. Accessed Date Month Year.
  • APA 7 citation:
    Author, A. (Year, Month Date). Title of report (Working Paper No. X). The Program on Intergroup Relations.
  • APA 7 citation:
    The Program on Intergroup Relations. (Year, Month Date). Title of handout (IGR Insight No. X).

Other publications

For externally published journal articles, chapters, books, and some papers linked on the site, rights usage may vary by author or publisher. Please contact for assistance identifying the right approach and requirements for your use.


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Please contact for assistance with any reuse or citation questions.