April 27, 2020
Michael Gardner is the recipient of the 2020 Outstanding Alumnx Award (OAA) along with Dr. Riana Elyse Anderson. He was presented with the award virtually at IGR's 17th Annual Award Ceremony and Graduation Celebration.
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2020 IGR Outstanding Alumnx Award recipient: Riana Elyse Anderson
April 27, 2020
Dr. Riana Elyse Anderson is the recipient of the 2020 Outstanding Alumnx Award (OAA) along with Michael Gardner. She was presented with the award virtually at IGR's 17th Annual Award Ceremony and Graduation Celebration. Riana has been previously featured on IGR's podcast DialogueUP!
Microaggressions: The Intent vs. the Impact (with Elsa Ramesh and Hoai An Pham)
November 12, 2019
Small, hurtful actions impact our campus every day, whether it’s from the professors who schedule tests on religious or cultural holidays, the coworkers who don’t use an intern’s correct gender pronouns, or the students who make assumptions about a classmate based on their appearance.
Becoming IGR co-facilitators with Bhoomika Gupta and Noah Bonello
September 24, 2019
Bhoomika Gupta (she/her/hers) and Noah Bonello (he/him/his) both became involved in The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR) on a whim. Gupta, a junior studying psychology, took a dialogue course to fulfill distribution requirements while Bonello, a junior studying computer science, signed up for a foundations course because it fit into his schedule.